Bilbo’s hearth.
Mysterious letters appear on the ring’s surface. Only then does Gandalf realize
that this ring is actually Sauron’s ring. Gandalf explains to Frodo that the
ring and Sauron are one. He longs to find it, and it longs to find him. Gandalf
has learned that Sauron has kidnapped Gollum and that Gollum has revealed that
Bilbo has the ring. The ring must leave the Shire or it will endanger all the
hobbits. Gandalf cannot take it himself, since as a wizard he will wield too
much power with the ring. He determines that Frodo must take it. Gandalf
explains that if Frodo puts on the ring, it will draw Sauron’s agents to it.
Suddenly, Gandalf discovers that Frodo’s friend Sam has been hiding outside and
listening to Gandalf and Frodo. At first, Gandalf is furious at Sam’s
eavesdropping, but then he recruits Sam to be Frodo’s travel partner and
Sam and Frodo leave
Bilbo’s house, and in very little time they have ventured further from the
Shire than ever before. Merry and Pippin, two mischievous hobbits who are
fleeing a farmer from whom they’ve stolen, encounter Sam and Bilbo and join
their party. The ringwraiths ride by, and the hobbits narrowly escape
detection. Frodo is tempted to put on the ring, but Sam stops him. This urge is
Frodo’s first insight into the power and temptation of the ring.
The hobbits arrive
at the town of Bree and enter the inn known as the Prancing Pony, where they
are supposed to meet Gandalf, but the wizard isn’t there. The ring accidentally
slips onto Frodo’s finger, alerting the ringwraiths to his whereabouts. A
ranger named Strider introduces himself to the group of hobbits and urges them
to be more careful. The wraiths arrive at the hotel, but the hobbits, thanks to
Strider, are well hidden. Strider explains to them that the wraiths were
formerly the nine human kings who had the nine human rings. They are hunting
the ring because finding it is the only way they can come back to life.
Meanwhile, Gandalf
has approached another wizard, Saruman, for counsel. Saruman already knows
about the ring and Sauron’s attempts to regain power. He declares that Mordor
cannot be defeated and that the two wizards must join with Sauron. Gandalf
protests, and the wizards battle. Saruman wins and imprisons Gandalf atop
Saruman’s giant tower in Isengard, called Orthanc. At his tower, Saruman is
constructing a terrifying army with the intention of waging war on
Middle-earth. A butterfly rouses Gandalf and takes a message from him, and a
giant eagle comes and saves him.
Strider and the
hobbits head for Rivendell, home of the elves. They stop at a hill called
Weathertop, where Strider hands the hobbits weapons and suggests they make camp
for the night. The hobbits foolishly light a fire at their campsite, and the
ringwraiths spot them. The ringwraiths stab Frodo, but Strider fights them off
and saves Frodo’s life. Arwen, an elf princess, finds the party and hurries to
Rivendell with Frodo, barely evading the wraiths. Frodo is cured and wakes up
to discover Gandalf by his side. Bilbo, who has aged significantly, is also at
Rivendell, having just completed the book of his adventures,There and Back
Again: A Hobbit’s Tale. Elrond, the king of the elves and Arwen’s father,
tells Gandalf that the ring cannot stay in Rivendell but must go further.
Pessimistic about the future of Middle-earth, Elrond claims that the time of
the elves is over, the dwarves are too selfish to help, and men are weak. The
ring survives because of Isildur’s weakness. Moreover, the line of human kings
is broken, though the heir of Gondor, who has chosen exile, can reunite them.
In a flashback, we
see Sméagol, a hobbit, happily fishing with a friend. The friend falls into the
water and reemerges holding a ring. Sméagol wants the ring and strangles his
friend to death. After this, Sméagol slowly decays into the dirty, green,
raw-fish-eating swamp creature Gollum. He says he forgot what life was like
outside his cave. He even forgot his own name. Back in the present, Gollum
awakens Frodo and Sam and hurries them along. Sam says he’s begun to ration the
little food they have left.
Meanwhile, Aragorn,
Gimli, Legolas, and Gandalf come upon Merry and Pippin celebrating on the
flooded plain of Saruman's tower, which Treebeard now seems to control. Saruman
is still alive, but he is powerless and isolated in his tower. Pippin spots a
seeing stone in the water, and Gandalf grabs it and covers it up. At a memorial
service and victory celebration at Rohan, Éowyn shares wine with Aragorn, with
whom she is falling in love. That evening, Pippin steals the seeing stone from
Gandalf and sees the fiery eye of Sauron. The stone nearly kills Pippin, who is
revived by Gandalf. In the stone, Pippin saw a vision of Minas Tirith, the
capital of Gondor, destroyed. He also saw Sauron but refused to give the Dark
Lord any information about Frodo. Gandalf says this vision proves that Sauron
plans to attack Minas Tirith, where he and Pippin head.
About to depart
Middle-earth for immortal life, Arwen has a vision of a child that she and
Aragorn will have. Quickly, she turns around and returns to Rivendell, where
she beseeches her father, who has the gift of foresight, to tell her everything
he has seen. She says she knows that death is not the only thing that awaits in
her future, but also a child. She says that if she leaves now, she’ll regret it
forever. She asks her father to reforge Narsil, the sword with which Isildur
cut off Sauron’s finger, thereby releasing the ring.
Meanwhile, Gandalf
and Pippin arrive at Minas Tirith, where Lord Denethor, who rules Gondor as
steward in the absence of the king, already knows of the death of his son
Boromir. Pippin offers his fealty in payment for Boromir’s life, claiming that
Boromir saved his own. Gandalf calls upon Denethor to raise an army and call
upon his allies. Denethor, however, knows about Aragorn and is afraid of losing
power. Gandalf says he cannot resist the return of the king, but Denethor
insists that Gondor belongs to him. Disobeying Denethor but following Gandalf’s
instructions, Pippin lights the Beacon of Minas Tirith, with which Gondor calls
its allies to help. Soon, beacons all across Middle-earth are lit, and Théoden
decides that Rohan will answer the call.
Faramir and his men
are gathered at Osgiliath, an outer fortress of Gondor, but lose a battle to an
approaching orc army. Escaping to Minas Tirith, Faramir tells Gandalf he has
seen Sam and Frodo. Denethor, who clearly favors the deceased Boromir over his
surviving son Faramir, beseeches Faramir to retake Osgiliath. Faramir agrees,
even though it is clearly a suicide mission. He and his men are promptly
slaughtered as they ride into battle.
Gollum leads Sam
and Frodo to a secret staircase that leads into Mordor. Frodo is pulled toward
the front gates, and Sauron’s giant eye burns, sensing the nearness of the
ring. Gollum tells Frodo that Sam will turn on him and come after the ring. As
the hobbits sleep, Gollum throws away their remaining food after sprinkling
crumbs on Sam to make it look like Sam ate the food himself. When they wake up,
Sam discovers that the food is gone and accuses Gollum, who points to the
crumbs on Sam’s cloak. Sam beats up Gollum and then asks Frodo if he needs help
carrying the ring, which triggers Frodo’s doubts about Sam. Frodo decides that
Sam, not Gollum, is the problem and decides to continue on with only Gollum.
At camp with the
horsemen of Rohan, Aragorn dreams that Arwen has chosen immortality, thereby
breaking her promise to him. He is roused by a messenger, who informs him a
stranger has come. Aragorn follows the messenger into a tent where Elrond
reveals himself and relates very different news about Arwen: she is dying, and
her fate is tied to the ring. For Aragorn, saving Middle-earth is now bound up
with saving the life of his love. Elrond also tells Aragorn he needs to enlist
those who dwell in the mountain to fight against Sauron. These
mountain-dwellers are crooks, murderers, and traitors, but they will respond to
the king of Gondor. In an act that functions as a kind of coronation, Elrond
presents Aragorn with the sword Anduril, which was forged from the shards of
Narsil. Éowyn confesses her love to Aragorn, but he tells her he is committed
to another. He rides into the mountain with Legolas and Gimli. The men of the
mountain swore an oath to a previous king of Gondor but reneged, and Isildur
put a curse on them, decreeing that they would never rest until they had
fulfilled their obligation. Aragorn and company enter a cave in the mountain
and come across a ghost king who says that the dead do not suffer to let the
living pass. Suddenly, swarms of ghostly warriors appear. Legolas’s arrows are
powerless against them, but Aragorn’s sword can stop their thrusts. He asks
them to fight for him and regain their honor, marking the first time that he
asserts himself as king of Gondor.
Gollum and Frodo
arrive at a cave full of skeletons and giant spider webs. With his plan to
steal back the ring falling into place, Gollum seems to disappear, and Frodo is
suddenly alone and lost. Meanwhile, Sam, descending the stairs out of the
mountain, comes upon the bread that Gollum dropped. He understands Gollum’s
deceit and turns around. In the cave, Frodo gets stuck in a web. Using the gift
given to him by the Lady of the Woods, he lights the cave and sees Shelob, a
giant spider, coming toward him. Frodo cuts his way out of the web and escapes
the cave, but Gollum attacks him. They struggle, and Gollum falls over a cliff.
The Lady of the Woods reappears to Frodo and encourages him to complete his
task. Frodo continues to Mordor on his own. However, Shelob creeps behind him,
stings him, and spins a thick web around him. Sam arrives and fights off the
creature, but Frodo is wrapped tight in a cocoonlike bundle of webbing, and Sam
fears he is dead. Sam abandons the body when a few orcs come down the path. They
pick up Frodo’s body and carry it off with them.
Back at Minas
Tirith, Gandalf despairs about Frodo’s ability to complete the mission, but
Aragorn says they must not give up hope. He suggests they march upon Mordor to
distract Sauron. As Aragorn’s army approaches the gates of Mordor, Sauron’s
orcs are drawn from the plains of Mordor to its front gate, and Sam and Frodo
cross the plain unhindered. Nevertheless, the passage is far from easy. They
have little water left. They drink the last drops and accept that there will be
no return journey. As they struggle up Mount Doom, Sam encourages his friend
with talk of the Shire and has to carry the weakened Frodo a good distance on
his back. Gollum reappears, and Sam fights him as Frodo runs to the top of Mount
Doom on his own. Standing above the fiery inferno of Mount Doom just as Isildur
did years earlier, Frodo holds the ring above the volcano, but, like the former
king, he cannot let it go. Instead, he declares the ring his and puts it on.
Gollum has also managed to get to the top of the mountain and attacks Frodo. In
the ensuing struggle, Gollum bites off the finger on which Frodo is wearing the
ring and falls, clutching the ring, over a cliff and into the lava below, while
Frodo survives by holding onto the cliff. Sam pulls him up as the ring
disappears into the sea of fire. With the ring destroyed, Sauron’s eye burns
out. The tower of Mordor begins to collapse and then explodes. Mount Doom
erupts, flooding the plain with lava. Sam and Frodo are stuck on top of a giant
boulder, with lava flowing all around. They prepare for their deaths, but
Gandalf swoops by on a giant eagle and picks them up.
Frodo awakens in a
luxurious bed with Gandalf by his side. The remaining fellowship is there, too.
Aragorn is crowned king at a ceremony in Gondor. Placing the crown on his head,
Gandalf announces the return of the king. Legolas and the elves arrive, along
with Arwen. She and Aragorn kiss. Then the whole crowd bows before the four
hobbits. The fellowship is declared over, and the fourth age of Middle-earth
begins. The hobbits return to the Shire, and the four friends drink at a pub.
He finishes four years to the day after receiving his wound from the
ringwraith, but he still hasn’t healed from the experience, and he, along with
Bilbo and Gandalf, head off with the elves to eternal life. As he boards the
ship that will carry them off, Frodo hands Sam his book. “The last pages are
for you, Sam,” he says. Then the boat sails off. Returning to the Shire, Sam
joins his wife and two children.
summary of this
film are :
1. The
core story of the LOTR films is the struggle between groups of white and black
groups. Similarly, the eve of the Day of Resurrection, will be a big fight
between the Muslims with the Jews.
2. In
the LOTR films, the peak of leadership described as evil magic one-eyed. This
is a a very vivid picture of the figure of the Antichrist as king in the End
Times later crime.
3. In
the film there is described a coalition between the two major powers to against
the evil empire (Mordor). In later life in the End Times will occur coalition
between the Muslim Ummah with the Christians can, to face the evil Jewish
favorite ;
bloom who played as legolas in the lord of the rings, i like him because he
likes to keep his family and friends out of the limelight, and tries to sty
grounded. He always has a smile and a hug for his fans, and he could plays his
role with properly. With calm self carriage, cool and has a cool style of
archery. Finally he is nice looking on my eyes.
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